Monday, April 26, 2010
Dating Flakes
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Weekend
Wow, that is all that I can say about my weekend. I had to much going on. I had one of the worst dates that I can remember. This man called me names repeatedly. He felt the need to talk non stop and when I could get a word in he did not bother to listen to me.
After the date was over, I received a phone call on the way home from my date from him and he was telling me that I am weird. I get home and I get an email from him telling me that I look nothing like a picture that I have posted on the internet and then I get a text message from him telling me I am a rude date because I didn’t eat or drink and I didn’t talk. What the hell is wrong with that fool? During our date, he felt the need to stare me down like he was a predator and I was the prey. I did not like that feel. He also felt the need to compliment me and try to touch me a lot. Our first meeting I really do not think he should have been touching me that much. He made me wait for him and he did not even look all that nice.
I am wondering where my guy is. This person was very charming online and on the phone. I meet him and he was just argumentative and he picked on me the whole time. I mean since when was name calling a cool thing to do on a first date. He is so fired. I do not want to see him ever again. During our date, I was thinking about my old guy friend at work. We had way better chemistry then I did with that date.
I actually succeeded in my quest for attention from work guy at the meeting last week. I came in looking awesome. I received a bunch of compliments on my look that day and in front of Mr. Let’s-Just-Be-Friends. He could not take his eyes off of me. I wonder what that was all about. I sat down first on the end and then he stood behind me for a while like he was thinking very carefully about where he wanted to go. I did not look at him or turn around. Before I sat down, I walked up and he was already there. He said hello to me and i said hello then this other person came up and said i looked amazing and i said thank you.
Anyway, I really wanted to see if he was looking at me but that would require me to turn around. I could see him out of the corner of my eye watching me sucking on my sucker. It was like I had the upper hand. Looking great, feeling great and intimidating men all around I love this so much. I have a feeling now that he is going to talk to me sometime soon. He was pacing past my desk several times that day. When before he wouldn’t dare stop by. I wonder what that means other then I looked nice that day.
Leave them wanting more.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Just got home from a date
Okay, so I was very excited about this date. All day I have been looking forward to spending time with this guy. I am waiting for him to show up. He shows up at the table and sits across from me. I smile and his eyes are barely open. We try to have a conversation and I can barely hear him with his soft toned voice. The restaurant he chose is very loud with large groups of people surrounding us.
He did not make me laugh and he did not laugh at my jokes. All that he did was argue with me and call me names. Maybe that is his way of flirting with me but it makes me defensive. We had dinner and I wanted to go home but we went out for coffee. I thought that some one on one time together in a quiet coffee shop he could redeem himself. He did not. All he did was say these negative things to me and stare at me. He didn’t like how I wouldn’t make eye contact with him but he would stare me down. I didn’t want to give him the wrong idea so I didn’t look at him long. I would look at other things. It was way too intimidating for a first time meeting someone and date. We did talk on the phone for three days straight and had a great time talking on the phone. I didn’t like how he talks at me. He tells stories non stop. Talk, talk, talk and he doesn’t listen to me when I talk.
I barely get a word in and he tells me he doesn’t remember me saying things and i’m like well that’s because you weren’t listening to me. i am so over this guy.
after our date he drops me off at my car and i thought there would be an awkward moment where i would have to dodger a kiss from him. that did not happen. thank god. I was not feeling this guy at all toward the end. I can only take so much criticism. I’m in my car and I decide to call this other guy that called me while I was on this date. As I am on the phone with him, the other dude calls. I don’t answer and it is a good thing I didn’t. He left me a message telling me that I am weird. What does that mean. I am weird. Fine. I will be weird. I wasn’t attracted to him and I would not be able to ever hook up with him. I guess that is the end of the relationship. I can’t even talk to him on the phone. He mumbles. I can’t hear him. It is frustrating. I thought I would feel bad but I don’t. he and i dont mix.
What kind of guy calls you while you are driving home from their date to tell you that you were acting weird. Fine. I will be weird as long as I dont have to be with you.
What i thought was real interesting is how much i was thinking about Jason while i was on this date. I kept thinking about Jason and his kids and how much I liked Jason and enjoyed talking to him. I thought about how I wanted him to be jealous when and if he heard me talking on the phone with this guy. i thought Jason was it for me. He doesn’t like me at all. I look great these days. I work out and I am dropping lbs and I feel great about myself. Jason and I haven’t spoken in two months. He is okay with that. He sucks. I dont know how you can hate me but he does and this other guy does too. I pretty much suck I guess.
At dinner, this guy kept telling me how cute he thought I was. He kept trying to touch me and tell me how he wants to cuddle with me. Telling me how he wants me to come over to his house. I don’t like him. I'm not attracted to him. He was intimidated by me because I look tall. I am sorry he is not 6’0 tall if i am taller then him in heels. They weren’t that high. What a liar. He was intimidated by my height. Whatever. I need a taller man and one who doesn’t suck ass and talk shit about me to me on our first date.
All I know now is that I am freezing and I can check mark this guy off of my list. I was scared that I was going to have a bunch of guys that I like and have to pick one but so far there are no guys that I like just possibilities right now. I guess i have to keep things short and sweet and i have to do a coffee date before a dinner date. or an ice cream date. i think i will think of better dates to do then the dinner date or the coffee date. something more original. you know what i mean. something cool.